/************************************************ The Verilog HDL code example is from the book Computer Principles and Design in Verilog HDL by Yamin Li, published by A JOHN WILEY & SONS ************************************************/ module vgac (vga_clk,clrn,d_in,row_addr,col_addr,rdn,r,g,b,hs,vs); input [11:0] d_in; // rrrr_gggg_bbbb, pixel input vga_clk; // 25MHz input clrn; output reg [8:0] row_addr; // pixel ram row address, 480 (512) lines output reg [9:0] col_addr; // pixel ram col address, 640 (1024) pixels output reg [3:0] r,g,b; // red, green, blue colors, 4-bit for each output reg rdn; // read pixel RAM (active low) output reg hs,vs; // horizontal and vertical synchronization // h_count: vga horizontal counter (0-799 pixels) reg [9:0] h_count; always @ (posedge vga_clk or negedge clrn) begin if (!clrn) begin h_count <= 10'h0; end else if (h_count == 10'd799) begin // 800 pixels per line h_count <= 10'h0; end else begin h_count <= h_count + 10'h1; end end // v_count: vga vertical counter (0-524 lines) reg [9:0] v_count; always @ (posedge vga_clk or negedge clrn) begin if (!clrn) begin v_count <= 10'h0; end else if (h_count == 10'd799) begin if (v_count == 10'd524) begin // 525 lines per frame v_count <= 10'h0; end else begin v_count <= v_count + 10'h1; end end end // signals, will be latched for outputs wire [9:0] row = v_count - 10'd35; // ( 2+33= 35) pixel ram row address wire [9:0] col = h_count - 10'd143; // (96+48=144) pixel ram col address wire h_sync = (h_count > 10'd95); // 96 -> 799 wire v_sync = (v_count > 10'd1); // 2 -> 524 wire read = (h_count > 10'd142) && // 143 -> 782 = (h_count < 10'd783) && // 640 pixels (v_count > 10'd34) && // 35 -> 514 = (v_count < 10'd515); // 480 lines // vga signals always @ (posedge vga_clk) begin // posedge orginal row_addr <= row[8:0]; // pixel ram row address col_addr <= col; // pixel ram col address rdn <= ~read; // read pixel (active low) hs <= h_sync; // horizontal synch vs <= v_sync; // vertical synch r <= rdn ? 4'h0 : d_in[11:08]; // 4-bit red g <= rdn ? 4'h0 : d_in[07:04]; // 4-bit green b <= rdn ? 4'h0 : d_in[03:00]; // 4-bit blue end endmodule